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Stains left by insects

Vapotheque • 024
Pass with 2 extensions + Large Triangular Brush + Square (tied with an elastic) on the ceiling, walls, spraying slowly to remove any traces of insect droppings.


How to get rid of flies with natural repulsives?
Clove: Sting lemons or onions with several cloves and place them in rooms frequented by insects. Repeat the operation as soon as necessary.  Of course, make sure you buy quality cloves (organic quality for example).

Place bouquets of lavender in your house. You can also make your own lavender repulsive: pour a few drops of real lavender essential oil on pieces of fabric. Place them in every room of your house. Repeat the operation as soon as the smell has disappeared.
White vinegar: Place small cups filled with white vinegar in your house. The smell makes them run away.
Basil and mint:These plants give off a very unpleasant scent for flies. Place basil and/or mint pots on your window sills and goodbye little flies!
Essential oils: Put a few drops of essential oil of rose geranium or java lemongrass in your diffuser. These natural repulsives will keep flies away from your home.